Chapter Three: Mistakes

              Leon and Bella stood in the living room locking lips, barely taking enough time to come up for air for what seemed like hours. After what was, in reality, only about five minutes, Bella finally let go of Leon and took a step back. The two stood there in awkward silence until finally, Leon walked over to the door. “I should go.” He said. Bella nodded, wiping her lips. Leon pushed the door open and took a breath of the morning air. He departed from the Blair home without even looking back.

● ● ●

                As the weeks tip toed by, Leon worked until he was finally promoted to Rookie. Even with people buying front row seats to watch Leon play alongside his Sunset Valley teammates, he didn’t feel any satisfaction in it because of the front row ticket he’d bought right by the phone. Somehow, Leon knew Bella wouldn’t call him, but he didn’t want to give up hope. A lengthy two months passed and Leon couldn’t help but think something had happened to her. He waited for the call, but, sadly, it never came.
                Finally, Leon awoke one day eager for a change. With it being his day off, Leon decided to renovate his belongings into something of a home.

                Leon took a step back outside and marveled at his new and improved home. He had always been a fan of red brick, and his house had lots of it. With a bay window over the stove and counters, the cottage consisted of a small room with a bed, kitchen area, and a small bathroom tucked behind everything else. Leon was proud of what he had done.
                Opening the door and stepping inside, Leon heard the jingle of his phone coming from the counters. Running over to pick up his phone, Leon flipped it open and put it up to his ears. “Hello?”
                “Hey.” Leon almost dropped his phone in shock. “Can I come over?” Bella said, almost distraughtly.
                “Yeah.” Leon said. The phone clicked.

                When Leon opened the door, Bella immediately ran inside, explaining how she couldn’t be too cautious. After taking off her jacket and throwing it on the counter, Bella and Leon sat on the edge of the bed. They talked about everything- their jobs, their adventures in Sunset, themselves. Finally, Bella asked if she could stay the night, calling Lain and telling him she was going to work an extra shift. “I’m sorry I didn’t call for two months.” She said.
                “Yeah,” Leon said, “what’s up with that?”
                Bella began unbuttoning her sweater, throwing it onto the floor once it was off. “Well, in all honesty, I thought that night we kissed was a mistake.” Bella looked to the floor in shame. “It was just- Lain and I have been fighting a lot recently. It just got to be too much so I went with the first person available.”
                Leon frowned. “Oh?”
                “I’m sorry. I just,” she paused. “I just didn’t know what I wanted two months ago.” Bella stepped in front of Leon, who was still sitting on the bed. She bent over, kissing him passionately, only to push him backward onto the bed afterward. “But I’ve had time to think- and I missed you. And I think now I know what I want.”
                “What do you want?” Leon said with a smile, taking off his jacket.
                “I don’t know.” Bella grinned and unzipped her dress, throwing it down to hit the floor by Leon’s pants. Bella crawled onto the bed and embraced Leon, kissing him more and more passionately. Slowly, the two rolled until Leon was sitting over Bella, the two locking lips. Bella gently pushed Leon up. The two looked each other in the eyes. “Let’s go all the way,” Bella whispered.

                “She is so weird!” Pauline yelled, swallowing down her burger.
                Leon laughed. “Don’t say that,” he said playfully.
                “No really!” Pauline said loudly. “After all the time I’ve lived next door to that girl, I’ve known her to be evil- but never like this!” She lowered her voice. “Cheating on her husband and then keeping her secret love affair waiting for two months only to come to his house, spend the night, and then leave him waiting for two more months!”
                “Remember, you can’t tell anyone about that!” Leon whispered.
                “Yeah, yeah- I know. But cheating! She must really like you for only have known you for five minutes.”
                Leon grinned. He felt like a kid in grade school in love. “You think?”
                “Definitely!” Pauline took the opportunity to leave and pay the bill for their food.
                Leon sat and stared at the table in thought. He was glad he’d called Pauline. He needed a shoulder to cry on, and, with Lain being his only other friend in Sunset Valley, Pauline was the obvious choice. But would he regret telling her so much in future? Sure, he and Pauline were close since the night they shared a few months back, but he didn’t know he well enough to know if she could be trusted. Leon looked up as he saw Pauline walking back toward their table. He scooted out of the booth, and the two made their way outside.

               “Thank you for the meal,” Leon said with a small grin. Pauline smiled. “Also, I just want to make sure we’re on the same page. I like Bella. And I just want-“
                “-to be friends? I know- I figured.” Pauline laughed. “I mean, I have a boyfriend anyway.”
                Leon raised his eye brows. “Oh yeah- Hank something right?”
                Pauline sighed. “No. Hank and I have been on and off for a while now.” She smiled, looking back to Leon. “Anyway, some advice I’d give to you since it’s been two months since your one-night-stand: A) Call her! Or B) Do something to take your mind off of her.” Leon nodded and thanked Pauline. The two said their goodbyes and went their separate ways.
                Leon knew she was right. He had to talk to her and find out what was wrong. He knew all about taking a small break from talking to someone, but two months in between visits was insane! The moment he got home, Leon took out his phone and called Bella.
                There was an answer almost immediately. “Hello?” Leon said anxiously.
                “Yes?” Bella finally said after a long pause. She sounded distraught.
                “Can you come over? We need to talk.”
                “You’re right- we do. I’ll be at your place soon.”

                About a half an hour after Leon hung up the phone, there was a knock on the door. “Come in!” Leon yelled from the bathroom, as he put on his clothes and fixed his hair from a quick shower. He heard the door open and close, and as he put on his jacket he heard a sniff. Leon turned his head, hearing Bella sobbing softly from the other room. Leon stepped out of the bathroom and stopped, standing by the side of the bed opposite Bella. “What’s wrong?” Leon said urgently.
                Bella sniffed. “I’m pregnant.”

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